5 meaningful activities for your elopement day 5 things that will make your elopement more enjoyable
The best elopement wedding ideas & inspiration
De bästa idéerna för unika, intima eller äventyrsbröllop

By Malin Ovesson Megdiche
In English:
Imagine walking together through the forest, or on the beach together, hand in hand. The birds are chirping, the wind is blowing in the treetops and the faint smell of salt from the beach is otherwise quiet and calm. You can almost hear the heart beating and the sand creaking under your feet. You will find “your” place where you share a unique moment together in exactly the way that feels best for you. Maybe you have organized a wedding breakfast, with fruits, berries, slices, champagne, cheeses. Maybe you are completely alone? Maybe you wanted to bring the dog or the kids? Or maybe some well-chosen friends or very close family.
På Svenska:
Föreställ er att ni vandrar tillsammans genom skogen, eller på stranden tillsammans, hand i hand. Fåglarna kvittrar, vinden viner i trädkronorna och den vaga saltlukten från stranden I övrigt är det tyst och lugnt. Ni kan nästan höra hjärtat slå och sanden knarra under fötterna. Ni hittar ”er” plats där ni delar en unik stund tillsammans på just det vis som känns allra bäst för er. Kanske har ni organiserat en bröllops frukost, med frukter, bär, snittar, champagne, ostar. Kanske är ni helt själva? Kanske ville ni ta med hunden eller barnen? Eller kanske några väl valda vänner eller allra närmsta familjen.
Best elopement wedding photographer Switzerland Sweden. Photographe marriage Lausanne. Bröllopsfotograf Malmö Ystad österlen. äventyrsbröllop Bröllopsidéer inspiration små intima bröllop Inspiration ideas elopement wedding

Get married in a forest
By a lake, waterfall or river
Gift er i skogen
Vid en sjö, vattenfall eller flod. 👇🏻

Or perhaps on a boat?
Eller kanske på en båt?

“Fill your life with adventures,
not things.
Have stories to tell,
not stuff to show”

Or maybe you are flying in a hot air balloon at sunrise with the spectacular view in Bagan in Myanmar. The only thing that disturbs the balloon’s silent floating through the air, is the sound from the burner, maybe you hear the wind howling a little in the wires. You see small farms on the ground, the forests and the volcano Mount Popa.
Maybe you read your vows in the hot air balloon, maybe you do it just before or after in one of the 2000 temples in Bagan. Maybe you’re not flying in Bagan? Maybe you are in Cappadocia in Turkey with its fabulous rock scenery. Maybe you fly to a deserted rock formation where you pop the champagne, you read the nicest words you can to each other, hug, it’s just you (and the photographer who sneaks around behind the rocks, but you have already forgotten that), there are no demands from others, not 200 eyes staring at you as you exchange the rings.
Only you, and the host and the majestic landscape, the wind ruffling your hair and the sand wandering over the rocks.
Eller kanske flyger ni i en luftballong i soluppgången med den spektakulära utsikten i Bagan i Myanmar, Det enda som stör ballongens tysta svävande genom luften, är ljudet från brännaren, kanske hör ni vinden vina lite i trådarna. Ni ser små gårdar på marken, skogarna och vulkanen Mount Popa.
Kanske läser ni era bröllopstal i luftballongen, kanske ni gör det precis innan eller efter i ett av de 2000 tempel som finns i Bagan. Kanske ni inte flyger i Bagan? Kanske ni är i Kappadokien i Turkiet med dess sagolika klipplandskap. Kanske flyger ni till en öde klippformation där ni poppar champagnen, läser de finaste orden ni kan till varandra, kramas, det är bara ni (och fotografen som smyger runt bakom stenarna, men det har ni redan glömt bort), det finns inga krav från andra, inte 200 ögon som stirrar på er när ni utbyter ringarna.
Det är bara ni, och värden och det majestätiska landskapet, vinden som rufsar om håret och sanden som vandrar över stenarna.

Get married in an ice castle . Read more HERE
Maybe you love skiing or snowboarding and are drawn to a snow-covered mountain landscape, or maybe you have toured up a mountain where you make your promises, just together with the wind, the incomparable snow-covered views. Maybe you do not want to sweat on your wedding day, so you take a helicopter ride up a mountain and closest to the sky, you promise eternal fidelity to your best friend.
Think about what you yourself should feel, see, hear, experience, just at the moment when you and your life partner promise each other eternal love. is it the nervousness of all the eyes that look at you or is it this. Create your wedding according to the desire that you just want to remember.
Kanske ni älskar skidåkning eller snowboard och dras till ett snötäckt bergslandskap, eller kanske ni har turat upp på ett berg där ni avlägger era löften, bara tillsammans med vinden, de makalösa snötäckta vyerna. Kanske vill du inte svettas på just din bröllopsdag, utan du tar en helikoptertur upp på ett berg och allra närmast himlen så lovar ni evig trohet till din bästa vän.
Tänk på vad du själv ska känna, se, höra, uppleva, just i det tillfället där du och din livskamrat lovar varandra evig kärlek. är det nervositeten av alla de ögonen som tittar på dig eller är det Skapa ditt bröllop utefter det önskemålet som just du vill komma ihåg.

Perhaps you like heat and beach more and want to do it all in one together with honeymoon (all in one, you save a lot of money!). Imagine that you take a helicopter ride over the island, maybe the helicopter stops at a beautiful desolate place where you hold your ceremony, maybe you then walk along the white beaches, drink champagne on a boat with the dolphins as your guests? Maybe you read your wedding vows here?
Kanske gillar ni värme och strand mer och vill köra direkt på smekmånaden (allt i ett så sparar man en massa pengar!). Föreställ er att ni tar en helikoptertur över ön Mauritius, kanske stannar helikoptern på ett vackert ödsligt ställe där ni håller er ceremoni, kanske ni går sedan längs de vita stränderna, dricker champagnen på en båt med delfinerna som era gäster? Kanske ni läser era bröllopslöften här?

Then you take a dip in the calm 26 degree water and eat the wedding dinner here . A whole bridge for yourselves! Just you, the sea and the sunset … It’s hard to make it more romantic than that.
Sedan tar ni ett dopp i det lugna 26 gradiga vattnet och äter bröllopsmiddagen här . En hel brygga för er själva! Bara ni, havet och solnedgången… Mer romantiskt än så är det svårt att få till.

But if you really want a special and unique wedding, I have to recommend Antarctica. Together (or near) with the penguins on an ice floe. More odd than that, it’s probably hard to get. Guaranteed, NONE of your friends have done it before. And if you are like me, odd and adventurous is the most romantic thing imaginable.
Men vill ni verkligen ha ett speciellt och unikt bröllop så måste jag ju tipsa om Antarktis. Tillsammans (eller i närheten) med pingvinerna på ett isflak. Mer udda än så är det nog svårt att få det. Garanterat så har INGEN av era vänner gjort det innan. Och är ni som jag, så är udda och äventyrligt det mest romantiska man kan tänka sig.

Do you want to experience the excitement of just the two of you riding a train up a mountain (top picture), getting married at the top or nearby and then going down in the dark? Or maybe sleep over? Maybe in a tent, maybe in a hotel? Sneak out at sunrise and enjoy just the world and the two of you? When you read the wedding vows, maybe it’s just the marmots and the winds that listen?
Or if you like trains and a real adventure, why not on the Trans-Siberian railway?
Vill du uppleva spänningen att åka bara ni två på ett tåg upp på ett berg (första bilden), gifta dig på toppen eller i närheten och sedan gå ner i mörkret? Eller kanske sova över? Kanske i tält, kanske på ett härbärge? Smita ut i soluppgången och njuta av bara världen och att vara där tillsammans? När ni läser bröllopslöften så är det kanske bara murmeldjuren och vindarna som lyssnar?
Eller om ni gillar tåg och ett riktigt äventyr, så varför inte på transsibiriska järnvägen?

Whatever you do, get married either at sunrise or sunset! It’s hard to create more magic than that! Read more about this HERE
The picture above is from the region of Vaud in Switzerland in sunrise. The picture below is from Ale’s rocks, Hammars Backar, Kåseberga in sunset. The bride arrived even paragliding!
Read more about this wedding HERE
Vad ni än gör så gift er för allt i världen antingen i soluppgång eller solnedgång! Det är svårt att skapa mer magi än så! Mer info HäR
Bilden ovan är från Vaud i Schweiz i soluppgång. Bilden nedan är från Ales stenar, Hammars Backar, Kåseberga i solnedgång. Bruden flög dessutom skärmflyg in till ceremonin!
Läs mer om detta bröllopet HäR

Or you do as I did, get married in the rain on the beach in Vitemölla and surprise your man with a T-rex coming instead of the bride. More of this another time in another blog post. 😏 (sign up for the Newsletter so you do not miss it).
Foto: LovLi Photography
Composition for wedding album: me
Eller så gör ni som jag, gifter er i regnet på stranden i Vitemölla och överraskar mannen med att en T-rex kommer i stället för bruden. Mer om detta en annan gång i en annan blog post. (signa upp för Newsletter så missar ni det inte).
FotoLovLi Fotografi
Komposition till bröllopsalbum: Jag.

I asked a few colleague elopement photographers what their best tip is for someone planning an elopement is. These are their answers:
“If you’re like me, indecisive and likes hearing everyone’s opinions, ask those who you relate most to. You’ll want to ask these people because they’re the ones who will a) probably have some good ideas to add on and b) they’re able to better see your vision. It can be hard when wedding planning to have a vision outside of the norm and to find others who can visualize it with you. Brainstorm with those who “get” you. And most importantly, you’re going to come across someone whose wedding dreams are far different from yours so they’re not going to understand your plans at all, but don’t let that dim you down. Your elopement dreams are just as valid and worthy of bringing to life! There is no wedding too out of reach. Any elopement planned to serve you, to make you and your partner happy, is the right way to get married.”
To truly put your heart and relationship first. Eloping can be more overwhelming than wedding planning because the sky is literally the limit. You have endless choices to choose from when deciding where you can get married, what you’re going to do, and what you could wear. Taking a step back from the overall picture and going back to your roots – your relationship and the love you have for each other is the best place to begin when planning an elopement. What are some activites you and your partner like to do together? Do you go rock climbing, hiking, kayaking? Or are you homebodies and prefer low energy activites like watching the stars and eating a delicous meal? Putting your relationship first will help create a clearer picture of what your elopement day could look like.”
“I have two tips for eloping couples! First would be to remember that you can do ANYTHING (well, almost) you want on your elopement day! I have had so many couples say “wow, I didn’t know that was an option” or “we can do that?” after helping them through a brainstorming session. Your elopement is about YOU and your partner, and what is included in your day should speak to that. If you have a favorite activity, food, or tradition, it should be included in your day. It’s okay to let your day be big, extravagant, and FUN! My other tip is to “drown out the noise”. The possibility is always there that some people might not be on board with your decision to elope. This is when you lean into your partner and remember why you made the decision to elope in the first place. Eloping is such an intentional and personal way to celebrate two souls coming together. You are creating a day where you will have a totally safe space to be fully vulnerable when you choose to love and accept another person forever. Stay in a space where you can be excited and celebrate that!”
“To go with your gut. No matter what you do for your wedding, there will likely always be at least one person who doesn’t agree with it, and honestly, it doesn’t matter. The day is for only you and your partner, anyone else who is or wants to be included is just an accessory. So you have to know that in your mind, other’s opinions really don’t matter, as long as you and your partner are happy.”
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Do you need a committed, adventurous & different elopement wedding photographer and guide for your wedding?
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This Post Has 17 Comments
These are such great tips and inspiration!!! I especially love “get married in a forest” YES
So useful and full of great ideas
Awesome tips for getting married! I love the Ice Hotel, what a place to have a wedding! Thanks for putting this together
Wow! This post is full of so many great ideas and such beautiful pictures!
I love all the tips and I really really love that you have them translated for those who need either language! Me personally, I’m a warm weather person and think the balloon elopement would be INCREDIBLE!
Love the idea of getting married in an Ice hotel, nice collection of ideas!
So many great ideas here, and I loved Bagan (but didn’t get to go on a hot air balloon ride).
Cute! And lot’s of helpful tips!! ICE HOTEL for the win!!
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